Book tickets for your missionary travel today!
Saving you time and effort in browsing for your best low-budget travel itinerary
Great deals on one-way, complicated routings and multiple stop-over flights
Excellent group travel arrangements
Flexible flight conditions: e.g. low-cost date change and cancellation fees, extra baggage allowance and extended validity of flight tickets
Advantageous and affordable flight tickets on first class Airlines
Tailor-made travel itineraries
Do you want to make use of our services?
Or would you like to attain more information about our services?
Please do not hesitate to contact us!
SIAMA’s Mission since 1970: Serving Those Who Serve
SIAMA World Mission Travel offers advantageous flight tickets and customized travel itineraries for missionaries, missionary organizations and development workers since 1970!
In line with our shared Christian identity and principles, whether you are in need of one-way, roundtrip, individual, group or multiple-stop over travel arrangements, it is our mission to provide you with our best professional advice in booking your air travel!
This way we aspire to be a valuable partner to you & contribute to the missionary and humanitarian work worldwide!

SIAMA Newsletter november 2024
Dear Missionary, Dear Friend, Still searching for flights for your December trip? Act fast to secure the best fares! Missionary fares often offer significant savings, especially for last-minute bookings. These fares often come with flexible change and...
Professional and personal travel advice
We value personal contact, so we are able to provide you with tailor-made travel schedules in line with your needs for your Mission-Charity Work.
Christian and true-hearted partner
SIAMA consists of a dedicated and motivated team with a warm heart for the spread of God’s love. This gives us the advantage to understand and assist you in your tailor-made air travel needs.
Engaged and expert employees
We are more than capable to deliver the reliable quality you need due to our experience in worldwide air travel and due to our dedication to Serve Those Who Serve since 1970!
Missionary stories

New Testament scriptures to the Sorimi people
We just finished an amazing celebration with the Sorimi tribal people who received the scriptures in their language for the first time. What a joy! Thanks for being a part of this with us 🙂 You might like to share with your team what I shared on our Ethnos Canada...

Roger Mohrlang -My Life
In the last year and a half I’ve been writing a little story of my life. (See the attachment.) It’s been a rich experience, reflecting on the good hand of God in my somewhat eccentric life. The book includes the story of my years among the Kamwə people in northeastern...

Abaana Ministries Uganda
Originally from Ireland, I have been based in Kampala, Uganda, since 2002, where I live with my husband, Carlos, who is from Uganda, with our two sons, aged 12 and 9. I was grateful that Siama was able to assist us when we travelled in July to visit my Irish family...
How can we help you?
Travel with SIAMA
“Personal, dependable service. I like doing business with people who understand and appreciate that we are serving as ministers of Gods Kingdom. Changes, when we ask for them, are cheerfully accommodated.”