It has been a joy for us to be served by Siama Flight Travel. We have been using their wonderful service since 2013.

One of the most memorable experience was when we got stuck at Singapore airport because Fiji Airway did not renew our ticket when our flight time changed. We called them but they did not respond. I sent a message to Siama member support knowing that it will be in the middle of the night in their side of the world. But they responded and in just a couple of minutes we got our new tickets and were able to continue our flight home. This is excellent service putting people’s needs first as Christ would.

This year 2019 we are have decided to end our mission in Burkina among the Fulani. Siama has been a great facilitator of our mission in terms of movement. The current security situation and mitigation set-up is not permitting us to move freely around the Fulani Communities. But it has been a wonderful experience and these past 9 years, we have seen God at work in and through us, and in and through those we serve. We have seen the emergence of new pockets of believers, new souls accepting Christ, new disciples for Christ, and also the many community projects we were able to carry out to completion with our supporters from around the world who love Christ.

Once again our sincere appreciation to Siama for being part of this journey. It is only when we’ll arrive at God’s throne that we’ll see extent and effect of the service we done directly or indirectly for God in carrying His Gospel to the Lost…

Lavinia & William Maloveretaki
Serving with WEC International West Africa


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